I am a fifth grader and in class we were studying journalism this is my attempt as a journalist.Enjoy GREEN TEAM IS MAKING A CHANGE IN THE SCHOOL INDUSTRY! At Glenridge Elementary, 2:45, September the 25 a group of magnificent people called the Green Team are making a change in the school industry by growing and helping plants grow instead of buying fake plants that die quickly, instead they do everything naturally except getting the seeds I asked one of the members Samanyu Tumuluru, Why did you join the Green Team?”I joined Green Team because I wanted to make the world a better place by growing plants.” “Knowing that you’re vegetarian does that affect the reason you joined the Green Team”, I said “Yes, why because if we have no plants to grow and eat, how will we stay healthy!? Thank you Samanyu Tumuluru. We also have a another member with us today ,”why did you join the Green team?,” I asked ”Because I like taking care of the garden and going outside, and also I like spendin...